Friday, February 3, 2012

Ms. Independent, Ms. Understood, or with Mr. Wrong

I had a friend who told me that he can't stand these 'golddiggers', so I told him that the only men that are angry with golddiggers are the ones that have brass mines.  If you have a platinum mine you don't worry about the gold. 
My question is why do men say that they want Ms. Independent.  They want the woman to be able to provide her own home, hummer, and hedgefund.  But when the woman can provide these things for herself a man will say that she's doing too much or feel insecure about what she is able to provide for herself.

Are women Ms. Independent or Ms. Understood?

I'm happy to be lucky enough to be married to a very wonderful, patient, and supportive man, but I have seen some friends in relationships with men that I have to question both my friend and her man. 

In this day and age a woman can do almost anything on her own.  You can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan (that you bought).  If you want a family, you can do that too without having a man in your life.  If you CHOOSE to have a relationship, shouldn't you choose to make it work?  So my question is... have we as women become too independent or are we just Ms. Understood?

Ms. Independent: It's been my belief that a woman can do anything a man can do just as well if not better, but if you want a man in your life, he cannot FEEL as if he's a non-essential.  Just like you have to get up in the morning and shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and put on jewelry and make-up, you have to put the spunk in your man's day.  Make sure he knows you appreciate him just as much as your Dove, Crest, M.A.C., and Neil Lane.    If you choose to be in a relationship.  It doesn't mean that you have to have a (wo)man in your life.  It just means that you want that person there.  If you WANT that person there, shouldn't you make it where they want to be there?

Ms. Understood: I do not flaunt my accomplishments to make you feel like you missed the boat.  Everyone wants to be praised and congratulated on a job well done.   The most important person to hear this from is your mate.  I know that the outside world's opinion of me doesn't always matter because when it's all said and done, only my husband and children know exactly how much I had to sacrifice and what I went through to get the world's praise.  So if your mate isn't praising you it can feel disheartening and may make you boost up your own praise of yourself. 

Mr. Wrong: Don't get it twisted and think that I just mean men with this part... it can be either or.  If you are intimidated by the success of your mate that is because you have not come along to the point that you want to be at.  Work harder on getting where you want to be and your significant other will support you (if they're a good fit).  If you cannot give and recieve support, that relationship is all WRONG for you.  Get out while you may be friends down the line.

I'd like to thank my wonderful husband for all the love and support that he gives me everyday and the way that he always has my back so when I'm struggling, he's the one giving me the lift to get a leg up on everyone else.  Not only do I want him in my life, I need him to want to be there.

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