Friday, February 17, 2012

Hoe or Housewife

Ok, some friends and I were watching the TV show The Game.  If you haven't seen it, you should... it's a great show.  The character Melanie told her husband Derwin that she wanted to have more of a say in his career and he told her that he just wanted her to be there for sex and no more of a say.  It may seem funny but I have found out that there are some men out here who do not know the difference between a hoe and a housewife.

Let me enlighten the unknowing....
A hoe is the woman that you have sex with for three minutes while you think it's three hours and she doesn't pretend it's good, but she can go on to another man who will be better.  You give her some money and let her be on her way.  She has it GOOD!
A housewife is the woman that has sex with you for three minutes while you think it's three hours, she has to pretend it's the best sex ever and then she has to buy a vibrator to give her the orgasm you denied her.  And then she gets up to clean the house, cook, wash clothes, take care of the kids, and now-a-days, go to work outside of the home.  She's SCREWED over!

So let me know fellas do you want your girl to be your hoe or your housewife?  For what you pay your wife, she would be better off being a hoe.  I know that there are alot of women out here who would agree that if all they had to do was screw their husbands and not have to take on any other responsibilities, they would be more than happy to.  If you just want someone to screw, you find you a hoe cause that is all she'll do for you.  When you want to be taken care of and supported, you get a housewife.  Hence the phrase, 'you can't turn a hoe into a housewife'.  See the difference, yet?

You can never turn a hoe into a housewife, but let me let you in on a secret... you can turn YOUR housewife into YOUR hoe.  These are the three steps how:
1.  Show and tell her that you appreciate everything that she does to keep the house running smoothly (cause you know that's not you keeping the kids from burning it down).
2.  Compliment her appearance.  It seems small but the greatest thing a woman can hear is her man telling her that she looks wonderful.  I went around for a month with my hair forever in a ponytail and no make-up while I tried to get some household things in order... my husband's reply was your beautiful.  I knew I looked a mess but he got more sex that month than any other month in our marriage.
3.  DO NOT BE SELFISH IN BED.  I know Bernie Mac says 'I got mine, she better get hers' but outside of comedy, that doesn't work well.  If you continually get yours before she gets hers, your relationship will turn into a joke cause she'll be out getting hers while your thinking you got yours (and her).

Follow those few steps and your set.  Not only will you have a woman who will support you mentally and emotionally, you will have a woman who will screw you at anytime, in anyway, as much as you want and need it.

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