Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Child Support

I have a few male friends and whenever the subject of child support comes up, everyone has an opinion.  My husband has come to the conclusion that if a woman has five months before she can abort a child (deciding that she doesn't want to be a mother), a man should have five months from the time that he discovers that he's a child's father to decide if he wants to be a father.  I see his point in a way, but I have an opinion that's a little different, but not much.  I may be critized for this one by a lot of women but I think that I'm being fair.

I think that if a woman has a right to have the baby or abort the baby, if the father tells the woman in the beginning that he doesn't want the baby, she should not demand that he supports a child.  She would not allow a man to force her to have a child if she doesn't want it.  My problem is that there are some men out there who try to get a woman pregnant or irresponsible about using contraception.  Having sex is (for the most part) a mutual decision, so I think that outside of cases of rape or incest, the decision on whether or not to have the child should be a mutual decision.  And child care or support should be equally discussed for the sake of the child and not the selfish parents.

In America, there are too many children (and adults) being irresponsible on the subject of sex and relationships and therefore there are too many children suffering with a "paycheck" daddy.  Wether from divorce or just not thinking before you leap into a sexual relationship, the child should have more than a relationship with his parent's bank account.  Then too, I see how some men get so angry with their child's mother for not having their children living or dressing the way they see fit for the amount of money that's being disbursed for child support.  If your hair and nails are done, then your child's hair and nails need to be done.  If you have on the latest fashions, so should your children.

AND MY BIGGEST PET PEVE is these women who have children with athletes, actors, musicians or anyone with money and get thousands of dollars a month in child support to say that they are not getting enough money.  I have no problem with a woman going in to get an increase as the cost of living increases, but you do NOT need six cars and five houses to raise a child.  Because if you are really raising a child, they should be in school for most of the year.  I can understand having a home that you live in year round and ONE vacation home (because if the only thing you're famous for is having an important person's child, you can stay in a hotel on vactions).  I don't understand saying that you need support for a nanny or caregiver for your children if you do not work. 

Please women let's learn to be responsible for ourselves and our bodies because there are enough babies out here giving birth to babies.  I appaud the ones (men and women) who are doing it on their own.  I congratulate the men who have stepped up to be the father that every child needs in his life.  I praise the women who figure out how to make ends meet when child support is just not enough.  I ask that we go back to the way we were originally taught to handle sex, your body is a precious temple, you must cherish and nuture it.  Do not allow anyone in it who will not treat it with the utmost respect.  My point is, if you wouldn't trust a man with your car don't give him your body and it will save the state a lot of paper and court cases.

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