Sunday, August 19, 2012

Politically In(correct)

This will be one of the VERY FEW times that you will read anything political from me.  I don't believe in politics and prefer that it stays with the theives, liars, and hypocrites (you know, politicians). 

I have listened for the past few months as people go back and forth about what President Obama has not done for the country.  People are saying that he has not created enough jobs for the American people, that they are unsure of how the new health law affects them (or that it's stopping the elderly from receiving medicare), and that the middle class will suffer more of a recession with Obama in office and that is a reason to vote for Romney. 

I have NEVER seen a president that fulfilled ALL of his campaign promises until now.  I think that some of his goals are a little lofty but the fact that he accomplished everything he said he would do, give him more creditability to me.

Not to be cruel, but Romney can create jobs in America now (no matter who the President is), by stopping his company from outsourcing jobs that Americans can have.  Anyone who can not currently afford health insurance should be so grateful for this health care plan, and by the way, the amount that you are taxed, is minimal if you say tou can not afford insurance.  But the fact that insurance is becoming universal will make it more affordable for everyone. 

Finally, this is the one that irks me the most is the way they talk about the middle class.  The reason for the recession was not Obama, he came in as the American public was in the recession.  Getting out of trouble has ALWAYS taken longer than it has taken to get into trouble.  Plus he's fixing someone else's mistake and first, he had to figure out what he did to mess up the economy in order to find out what he has to do to fix the mess up.  Then he has to make sure that he has all the tools do do it with and one of the tools required is a supportive American public.

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